Catherine Gonzalez
Whooo’s Reading is reading accountability without multiple choice. It is a higher-level thinking alternative to multiple choice. This website can get your students writing about stories that they’ve read.
For teachers, there are 3 main benefits. Main benefit for this website is that you do not need to rely on the multiple choice to know whether the students are reading. Second benefit is accountability. Hold you students accountable with higher-level thinking quizzes. Third benefit is that you can receive automatic scores on written responses.
For students, there are also benefits for them. The first benefit is that it gives students 100% positive reinforcement for reading and writing. Second benefit is that it helps students think critically instead of asking multiple choice questions. Third benefit for students is that students will be able to converse with their peers about the books they’ve read on this website. Students have over 450,000 different texts to choose from. They are able to choose anything that interests them to read. When students read and write about their reading, they earn “Wisdom Coins” to create their Owlvatars.
The activities are easy to differentiate to the needs of each student and are very engaging for students to use. The writing portion which tests the students provides students with a graphic organizer to structure their thoughts and will lead them to explanatory or persuasive writing. Teachers can use this also to gauge their students writing ability.
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