Thursday, January 3, 2019


Catherine Gonzalez
January 2, 2019

Effective Literacy Exploration #4
Starfall is a website for children who teach them the basic reading and writing skills. This website is catered to preschoolers, kindergarteners, and 1st graders. Browsing through the website I found a parent-teacher center with supplemental resources and games for students to use as a reinforcement.

The student’s website allows students to learn in an environment of imagination and play. Students have a variety of games to choose from while on the main page. It is very interactive and animated. Students will be able to learn about their alphabets, learn how to read, phonics, and have fun while reading. Not only does this website touch on the reading skills but also the basic writing skills. Students will be able to form sentences and be able to write different types of writing such as writing letters to people. The parent-teacher center website is available for everyone. It provides worksheets, curriculum downloads, informative guides, and the latest Starfall news. The website meets and exceeds state and Common Core standards ensuring students will be ready for the next grade level.

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