Thursday, January 10, 2019

Book Adventure

Catherine Gonzalez
January 9, 2019

Effective Literacy #6
            Students love being rewarded when they do something correct or when there is an incentive at the end of their work. Book Adventure offers that program where students read a book and is rewarded in the end.  It is an interactive reading management program. Their goal for students who log in is to be inclusive of the different student learning style and provide a variety of assessment tools for those students who are not test takers. Book Adventures offers over 15,000 book quizzes. Custom book list is created for students based on the theme and their grade level. For young readers and ELL students, there is a text to speech for students to hear the text orally. Within this program, there are built-in rewards such as virtual pet play, game coins, and game page. For teachers, there are printable reading activities and an interactive daily reading log. Teachers can use this daily reading log as a tracker to see what stories the students read. Teachers are the administrators and can control the student’s profiles. You can provide program customization settings, have daily reports, assign assignments to students, and teachers will be able to message their students directly. Book Adventures connects with students with personalized engagement, bridge technological divide, and reward reading achievement. Students are able to build on a list of books to read. It is free to join but certain items on the website are premium features.

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